<right> Christian Home Educators Community of Longview</right> <right> Christian Home Educators Community of Longview</right> <right> Christian Home Educators Community of Longview</right> <right> Christian Home Educators Community of Longview</right> <right> Christian Home Educators Community of Longview</right> <right> Christian Home Educators Community of Longview</right>

Service Descriptions



The asterisk (*) notes that the service has a starter kit that will be emailed or given to you soon after signing up.


Achievement Testing*
Gather information on annual testing available to homeschoolers in the local area and share it with the group to take advantage of. Please contact Christian Heritage Classical School to get both their spring and fall dates for the PSAT. Please share this with the group through the forum and facebook page. Research SAT and ACT local testing dates and share. These can be found on collegeboard.com. 


Back to School Mothers’ Tea Planning Team*
As a team, this group will secure a venue and speaker, create an invite, decorate, plan games, set up, clean up, etc. This has been a well attended and fun event and is a great way to start the year encouraged and refreshed. This event is held during the month of August therefore planning meetings should happen over the summer. This is special as it is our first meeting of each new school year. 


Back to School Splash Pad Team*
What other way can we say it - this is one to have fun with! Pick a date in August, reserve a pavilion at the Jack Mann Splash Pad, and let us all know about it! Based on sign ups through the event on our calendar, you’ll get a fun treat (usually popsicles) for the kids attending to enjoy. This is a fun way to welcome old and new families to CHEC. There is a budget of $50.00 for this and receipts are to be turned in to Tabitha Hall for reimbursement. (Reservation fee and popsicles paid for by CHEC.) Date and time should be turned in no later than July 15 for it to be added to the calendar so attendees can plan accordingly. 


Bible Study (Fall and Spring Positions)*
What better way to bond as a group than through studying God’s word! This position is for someone who would enjoy facilitating a Bible study in-person or online (through google meet or FB live on the CHEC Facebook page). It could even be hybrid of both-some meetings in person at a restaurant, home, park day and some online when it’s a busy season. 


Career Day*
Plan and organize career day, to happen in the fall, where students learn about different careers and vocations, in which a variety of people come together to share information about their occupation, education, skills, and workplaces that are required for success in their career. Career Day will be for 6th grade and up students.


Communications/Announcements (Fall and Spring)
The purpose of this position is to keep all of CHEC informed of all upcoming events. Consult the CHEC calendar and in some cases, the event coordinators. It isn’t necessary to include every detail, but the main information from the calendar to serve as a reminder. 
List monthly events at the beginning of the month and reminders weekly. This can be done through facebook, email, graphics, videos, etc. If you signed up for fall, you will cover August - December. If you signed up for spring, you will cover January - May. 


Community Service Project – Fall Semester*
Plan a community service project during the fall semester. (Food Drive, Serving for Thanksgiving at a Shelter, Yard clean up, etc.) This needs to be planned and on the calendar by September 15. (It can happen anytime in the fall semester, just needs to be on the calendar and announced so attendees can plan accordingly). 


Community Service Project – Spring Semester*
Plan a community service project during the spring semester. (Food Drive, Yard clean up, for families or teens, etc.) This needs to be planned and on the calendar by January 15. (It can happen anytime in the spring semester, just needs to be on the calendar and announced so attendees can plan accordingly).

Curriculum Share Planning Team*
The curriculum share should take place in April. This is not a curriculum swap. This is just so moms can see what others are using before time to buy for next year. This is very helpful to anyone wanting to look over something they’ve been thinking/wondering about. 

Dual Credit Meeting Planning Team*
This meeting will be held in February. It can take place on an afternoon or an evening of your choice. This could include a Q&A panel, a Dual Credit 101 talk, etc. Two moms should be available for childcare. 
Requirements: Should have some knowledge and experience of the dual credit process and is ideally currently schooling a 7-12th grade student. 


February Nursing Home Valentines Project
-Choose one or more nursing homes to receive valentines made by CHEC students. Contact these facilities to verify that they will accept our valentines. 
-You may choose a time for participants to get together and make valentines together. You may choose to collect valentines already made. If you are having families make them on their own, please advertise this to give them plenty of time to participate. 
-You may choose to have participants go together to deliver valentines (set up a time with the facilities) or you may choose to deliver them yourself. 
-Please have all information on the CHEC calendar by Jan 10. Email [email protected] to have this added.


Field Day Coordinator*
Field day is usually held in May at a local park or NCC. Organized games for the kids, such as three-legged race, sack race, tug of war, water balloon fight, etc. There is a small budget for this event. 


Field Day Helpers*
Help the Coordinator plan/coordinate field day. The coordinator will communicate with you, may have a planning meeting, etc. 


Field Trip Planners*
We’ve all been there, we see or hear about something and think “that’d be a great field trip!” All it usually takes is a phone call to make that happen. Plan an activity or event and coordinate with the Master Scheduler to add it to the calendar by August 15th(fall) or December 15th(spring). 


Grades 7-12 Event*
Plan a fun event for our 7th-12th graders and get the word out about it!


Graduation Committee*
This service is only for the parents of graduating seniors, who are participating in the CHEC graduation ceremony. Please do not sign up for this service if that does not describe you. You will be contacted by the Graduation Coordinator regarding planned meetings, etc. 


Graduation Committee Coordinator*
This service is elected by the committee with approval from the board. This service includes planning meetings with the graduation committee. There is a binder containing all graduation information.


Graduation Reception Coordinator*
Organize the reception that follows the graduation ceremony. The graduation committee will plan it, but you will communicate with those who signed up to serve as reception helpers and coordinate schedules. You may help decorate, serve guests, and clean up. Preferably a junior mom serves in this role as well as in the roles of graduation reception helpers.


Graduation Reception Helpers*
You may help decorate, serve guests, and clean up. The graduation reception coordinator will contact you with details. Preferably junior moms serve in this role. 


Hannah’s House Project Coordinator*
Organize a team to serve at Hannah’s House in May. This should probably be older kids, 7th grade and up. 


High School Banquet Coordinator*
Lead the banquet committee in planning the spring high school banquet. Planning starts in the fall, as this is an important, semi-formal event for our high schoolers. There is a planning book that gets passed on each year to help you. Budget constraints and communication with the board is a must. *This is a CHEC board-appointed position. 


High School Banquet Helpers*
Help plan and execute the semi-formal high school banquet in the spring. Planning starts in the fall and will require several meetings. It is a big, fun event! You will be contacted by the banquet coordinator with details.


Homeschool 101 Meeting Planning Team*
This meeting will take place in conjunction with our book sale. Plan a meeting time the day of the sale for NEW homeschoolers who are looking for help getting started. This is for moms who have a few years’ experience and feel comfortable sharing their experience and insight. You will get with the book sale coordinator and make sure your meeting info is advertised with the book sale info. You may need to meet together as a planning team in February or March to talk through the specifics of how you want to do this. 


Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) Liaison 
A member of HSLDA who can keep our group up to date on the issues relevant to homeschooling families. You can post on our FB page or in the Forum on our website. And have materials about HSLDA available at monthly meetings, etc. 


Homeschool Skate Day Coordinator*
Coordinate and plan skate days at the Gilmer Starplex periodically throughout the year. Provide a schedule to be posted on CHEC calendar.  Announce any area skate days via the forum and facebook page at least a week in advance. 


Kindergarten Graduation Coordinator*
Communicate with your team to organize a graduation celebration for Kinders. Ideally, this position should have a child involved in the celebration.


Kindergarten Graduation Helpers*
Assist with the kindergarten graduation, attend planning meeting and fulfill necessary responsibilities to make this event successful. The Kindergarten graduation coordinator will contact you early in the spring semester to schedule. 


Lego Club Team*
Your role as a member of the Lego Club Team is to plan the location as well as lego build challenges for the kids in the club and supervise them while they are with you. 


LeTourneau Engineering Day - February 
Inform CHEC members about this February event and tell them how their students can participate. Be sure to get it put on the CHEC calendar. This is typically an 8th grade mom. 


Member Care Coordinator*
Organize help (meals, childcare, gifts, etc.) for members in transition or crisis (new baby, illness/death in the family). Be visible through Facebook or the forum and remind members you’re available to find help for them. This position is for someone who takes the initiative when they see a need. 


Mentor Mom*
This is ideally someone who has homeschooled through all ages and phases. This is great for a mom who has already taught a high schooler, since so many have questions about transcripts, dual credit, etc. This person should be willing also to encourage those who are just starting homeschooling no matter the child’s age. Send monthly communication through the forum and facebook introducing yourself and reminding us that you are available. This helps as new members join. 


Mom’s Book Challenge (Fall and Spring Positions)*
This position is for someone who would enjoy facilitating a book club/study in-person or online (through google meet or FB live on the CHEC Facebook page). It could even be a hybrid of both-some meetings in person at a restaurant, home, park day and some online when it’s a busy season. 


Mom’s Fitness Group (Fall and Spring)*
We’re looking for a person passionate about health to lead us in what is easily neglected while homeschooling-our physical health! If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, we’d love for you to take this new service and “run” with it! This opportunity is open however you’d like to facilitate it! Preferably at a central location in town or via an online platform like Google meet or even as a Facebook Live event on our CHEC Facebook page OR even a hybrid of both in-person and online!
(Please note: this is NOT the opportunity to sell or promote product or plans you may be affiliated with. If people ask for this, certainly provide them information but this service should be openly available for all to participate without buying into a specific program/product.)


Mom’s Night Out*
Plan a time of fellowship, get it on the CHEC calendar, and announce it to the group. This could be anything you would like to do. In the past, we have met at coffee shops, Painting with a Twist, movie nights, etc. You can host in your home or anywhere local that you choose. This is always a fun time for moms! If you are planning a fall MNO, please Email: [email protected] to get it on the CHEC calendar by September 1. If you are planning a spring date, please email by January 15th. 


Operation Christmas Child*
Plan a shoebox-packing party! See samaritanspurse.org for more info. Create signup for teens (13yr+) to travel to Dallas for warehouse work. 


Park Days – Fall/Spring Semester 
Park days are a homeschool staple! Choose a park and a specific day of the week (keeping the same day of the week is helpful for people to remember), and time. It's great to have someone who can plan to be there to greet new members, as well as to post a reminder each week. Email [email protected] to get your dates on the calendar. Be sure to send out reminders! 


Piney Woods Speech and Debate Judge*
Piney Woods Derby Speech and Debate tournament (open to ALL CHEC members). Sign up for this fun and rewarding opportunity to serve as a judge for a 3-6 hour shift at our own Longview speech & debate tournament, attended by competitive speech & debate students from all over the country, including many CHEC kids. (Sign up and Mandy Link will contact you directly within a few weeks of the tournament date.)


Pre-K/Kinder Playgroup 
This team will work together to plan get-togethers for families with preschoolers-kindergarteners. The dates and locations are up to you! You may choose to organize a facebook group, a groupme, or some other way to keep the group informed. Please email [email protected] so your dates can be added to the CHEC calendar. 


Prudentia Speech and Debate (Prudentia members only)
Piney Woods Derby Speech and Debate tournament (Prudentia members only) - Serve as a part of the tournament leadership team (Mandy Link will contact directly regarding service possibilities). 


School's Out! Summer Pool Party*
Plan a pool party to celebrate another successful school year! Usually in June, but you will need to start planning in April or May. 

Secret Sister*
This is a fun exchange between moms that happens right before Christmas. Ideally, starting November 1 and ending by December 15th. This service can happen entirely online by using online secret Santa/gift exchange generator websites. Sign ups for participants would happen through our CHEC website. 


September Food Drive*
Organize a food drive to take place in the month of September for Longview Community Ministries.


Single Moms Group Coordinator*
Must be a single mom. Reach out to other single moms on the forum or facebook and plan times to meet, create a facebook group, etc.


S’mores Night Host*
This is a fun event that is hosted at the home of one of our CHEC families. This usually takes place in late October or early November. There is a bonfire and s’mores. It takes place in the evening and often there is a chili cook-off, so have guests bring chili, fixings, chips, etc. There is usually a hayride involved and one year there was even a pumpkin catapult! Lots of fall fun! If your home is perfect for an evening of roasting marshmallows around the fire, drinking hot apple cider, and taking a hayride (optional), then this service is perfect for you. 


Special Needs Coordinator*
Help coordinate a Special Needs Support Group to link parents of special needs families together.

Summer Camp Information Specialist 
Gather information about this year’s summer camps. Include locals like Pine Cove, Deer Run, LeTourneau and other Universities, Frontier Camp, Artsview, Makers Camp, and more. You will create a document to share with CHEC families via the forum and Facebook page. This should be posted by June 1 so families can plan accordingly.


Swap Meet Team*
This is a NEW service opportunity! Many of us bring our family’s no longer needed clothing and shoes to ELO or post on Facebook for someone to take. Let's make this a whole event! The Swap Meet Team will secure a location and date for the month of March, organize set up and clean up. This will be for gently used, clean clothing/shoes. (This is just for clothes/shoes. Curriculum and books are swapped at the free table of the book sale at the end of the year.)


T-shirt Designer*
Design a CHEC T-shirt, present it to the Board for approval, and arrange the ordering and delivery of shirts. 


Teens at the BRC Coordinator*
Plan the monthly teen hang-out at the Broughton Recreation Center. Collect money and visit with other moms. 


Teens at the BRC Chaperones 
Help chaperone our teens. Gives you the chance to visit with other moms! Teens at the BRC meets on Fridays during the school year. The BRC event is for Grades 7-12 ONLY. Please do not sign up if you have younger children that cannot participate. 


Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) Liaison 
A member of THSC who can keep our group up to date on the issues relevant to homeschooling families. You can post on our FB page or in the Forum on our website. And have materials about THSC available at monthly meetings, etc.


Used Book Sale Coordinator*
This position is to be filled by someone who has helped in this capacity previously (or worked alongside and observed the previous year’s coordinator). The sale is to be held in late May or early June (to give sellers time to finish using their current curriculum). 


Used Book Sale Helper
Help the coordinator set up tables, organize books, take money, clean up after, etc. You will be contacted by the coordinator with all the details. 


Welcome Wagon
You will be contacted by the CHEC Membership Director with any new member contact info. Commit to calling new members and making them feel welcome. Make sure they know about the Facebook page, any upcoming events, and park days. Help them get involved! 


Your Own Idea/Other
If you have a great idea for a service that is not listed, please email [email protected] to submit your idea to the CHEC board. Thanks!